Chú thích Crom

  1. Fawcett, Eric (1988). “Spin-density-wave antiferromagnetism in chromium”. Reviews of Modern Physics 60: 209. Bibcode:1988RvMP...60..209F. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.60.209
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  3. 1 2 3 Jacques Guertin, James Alan Jacobs, Cynthia P. Avakian, (2005). Chromium (VI) Handbook. CRC Press. tr. 7–11. ISBN 9781566706087
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  9. Cronin, Joseph R. (2004). “The Chromium Controversy”. Alternative and Complementary Therapies 10 (1): 39–42. doi:10.1089/107628004772830393
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  12. Emsley, John (2001). “Chromium”. Nature's Building Blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements. Oxford, England, UK: Oxford University Press. tr. 495–498. ISBN 0198503407
  13. 1 2 Kotaś, J.; Stasicka, Z (2000). “Chromium occurrence in the environment and methods of its speciation”. Environmental Pollution 107 (3): 263–283. PMID 15092973. doi:10.1016/S0269-7491(99)00168-2
  14. Papp, John F. “Commodity Summary 2009: Chromium” (PDF). United States Geological Survey. Truy cập ngày 17 tháng 3 năm 2009. 
  15. Fleischer, Michael (l982). “New Mineral Names” (PDF). American Mineralogist 67: 854–860.  Kiểm tra giá trị ngày tháng trong: |date= (trợ giúp)
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  18. Gonzalez, A. R.; Ndung'u, K; Flegal, AR (2005). “Natural Occurrence of Hexavalent Chromium in the Aromas Red Sands Aquifer, California”. Environmental Science and Technology 39 (15): 5505–5511. PMID 16124280. doi:10.1021/es048835n
  19. Tailuan Nguyen, Andrew D. Sutton, Marcin Brynda, James C. Fettinger, Gary J. Long, Philip P. Power, (ngày 4 tháng 11 năm 2005). "Synthesis of a Stable Compound with Fivefold Bonding Between Two Chromium(I) Centers", Science, tập 310, số phát hành 5749, các trang 796-797.
  20. 1 2 Georges, Audi (2003). “The NUBASE Evaluation of Nuclear and Decay Properties”. Nuclear Physics A (Atomic Mass Data Center) 729: 3–128. doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2003.11.001
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  22. Barceloux, Donald G.; Barceloux, Donald (1999). “Chromium”. Clinical Toxicology 37 (2): 173–194. PMID 10382554. doi:10.1081/CLT-100102418
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